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    the travelling stitcher      

About me

Hi I'm Jan Mills,   I have been sewing most of my life.

Taught by my mum and nanny from a very young age and then at school by my lovely needlework teacher.  As an art student I would make my own clothes & customise my thrifted outfits.

Fast forward to marriage and motherhood where I left my job in London and retrained as a Soft furnisher.  

In 2003 I opened my first Soft furnishing and gift shop in Westerham Kent. I have been teaching sewing workshops since 2012. Teaching people to sew has been an absolute passion of mine and spending time with like minded creatives is pure joy!

Last year I closed the door on my lovely little shop and decided to go freelance again as I want to have some adventures - whilst still sewing of course!

Why thread & Matilda?

We have a wonderful vintage VW Campervan called Matilda.  She has been part of the family for nearly 15 years. When we are off on an adventure in her we listen to music and audio books and I usually have a slow sew project with me. 

 Hence Thread and Matilda seemed the perfect name for my new venture...

This year I will be running my Create Make & Take sewing workshops from my home and various venues around Beckenham and the South East. Come spring & summer Matilda will come out of her winter hybernation.  We will be attending selected fairs and festivals locally and around the country where I will be selling my handmade makes, kits, haberdashery and fabrics. I will also be running  Create Make & Take workshops... Let the adventures begin!


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